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Stock buy orders in the US market with brokers

Trading Orders in the US Market
Trading Orders in the US Market
Below is a company of the set of orders found in the brokers' or broker's platforms (Interactive Brokers, TradeZero) that you should familiarize yourself with and use according to your strategy when buying shares on the American Stock Exchange.

1- Market order (MKT)

It is an order to buy or sell a specific number of securities according to the prevailing prices in the market. Also, the market order depends on the presence of the required or offered quantity during the validity period of the order to be executed.

2- An order (LMT) set at a price

It is an order to buy or sell a specified number of securities according to the price determined by the trader, and the order specified at a price depends on the presence of the required or offered quantities and the current demand or offer prices and during the validity period of the order to be executed.

3- Stop Loss or Profit order (STP)

It is an order to buy or sell a specified number of securities in the event that the price of the security reaches the stop price determined by the trader, and in the event that the price of the security reaches the stop price, the order becomes a market order.

4- Order (LMT STP) stop loss or profit order set at a price

It is an order to buy or sell a specified number of securities in the event that the price of the security reaches the stop price set by the trader, and if the price of the security reaches the stop price, the order becomes a specific order at a price set by the trader.

5- Order (MOC) Execution order upon closing

It is an order to buy or sell a specific number of securities to be executed according to the prevailing prices in the market at the closing, and the order must be sent before the market closes at least a quarter of an hour.

6- LOC order: Execution order specified at the closing price

It is an order to buy or sell a specific number of securities according to the price set by the trader at the close, and the order must be sent at least a quarter of an hour before the market closes.


It is an order to buy or sell a specific number of securities in which the trader sets a certain difference from the market price called the variable stop price. The expected profitability, and in the event that the price of the security rebounds by more than the difference set by the trader, the order will be executed according to the prevailing market prices.

8- LIMIT TRAIL order, the follow-up order specified at a price

It is an order to buy or sell a specified number of securities in which the trader sets a certain difference from the market price called the variable stop price and a specified variable price as a difference from the stop price to buy or sell that number of securities at the specified variable price, and in the event that the price of the security moves in the trader’s interest The order is not executed and the stop and limit price moves with the same difference that the trader set with the market price to increase the expected profitability.
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