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Salary of President of the United States of America - Economist

What is the salary of the US president?

Salary of President of the United States
Salary of President of the United States

According to CNBC Make, the annual salary of the President of the United States is divided into the following:
  • Base salary: $ 400,000.
  • Additional expenses allowance: $ 50 thousand.
  • Non-taxable travel expenses: $ 100,000.
  • Entertainment allowance: $ 19,000.

The salary of the American president after leaving the White House

But if we refer to the salary of the former president of the United States after the end of his presidential term, we find that it consists of the following elements:
  • The retired president receives an annual pension of $ 207,800.
  • Spouses of former presidents are entitled to up to $ 500,000 a year for security and official travel.
  • Widows of former presidents are entitled to an annual pension of $ 20,000.

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