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Inflation in United States of America

Inflation in USA
Inflation in USA
With the increase in the Russian crisis and Russia invading Ukraine, there was a huge impact on the economy in all countries of the world, and the United States of America, where inflation in America increased in February due to the huge increase in oil prices that have become more influential.
The Consumer Price Index, which measures wide basket rates of goods and services, has reached 7.9% over the past 12 months and is the highest level within 40 years of America.
The increase in inflation in February is the fastest pace since early 1982 when the US economy faced the double threat of inflation and low economic growth.
باحث اقتصادي هدفي إنشاء موسوعة عن الدول العربية توضح جوانب القوة في كل دولة، واتمني أن يأتي اليوم الذي يتحد فيه العرب لتعم الفائدة علي كل الشعوب.


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